Ordinary electric hoists do not meet standards which are required in processes such as pharmaceutical, medical and semi-conductor production areas.Contamination due to particles coming from equipment around the production lines may result in bad products. Companies from these industries use enormous air cleaning and conditioning systems to ensure the lowest possible particle count in their production facilities.
PLANETA’s engineers have studied the needs in these industries deeply and used state of the art technology to design a full range of hoists using UHMWPE ropes and belts for lifting. Using these ultra-strong fi bers, clean lifting is made possible. Users enjoy smooth, silent and safe lifting, with hoists which do not contaminate and are easy to clean. Electronic controls ensure vibration- and shock-free handling of heavy loads.
Redundant safety features protect operators in the confi ned spaces against overload and dangerous operations outside the given limits. FYBERHOISTS comply to Chinese National Standard GB50073-2001 / European Standard ISO14644-1..